The Benefits of Having a Nursery App

Parentapps, News Team
If you run a nursery, chances are you already have a website. Apart from being a source of information for prospective parents, how often does your website get used?
If you want to build better engagement and keep your current parents up to date with the latest developments, you should consider a dedicated communication app for your nursery.
Increasingly, organisations are choosing to create their own apps to complement their existing websites. The cost has certainly come down over the last few years, making it an affordable choice that improves communication quite dramatically.
What Can a Custom App Deliver?
An app provides instant communication to parents and enables them to quickly and easily obtain important information from their child’s nursery. It also enables parents to submit information back to the nursery, such as forms and surveys.
Additionally, the app allows nurseries to send push notifications directly to parents for free, removing the need for expensive text messaging services. These push notifications can be sent directly to individual parents, to certain rooms or groups, or nursery wide to suit your needs.
You can use a custom app to promote upcoming events, send and receive consent forms, and even to allow parents to report absences. You could also give parents access to important information such as Ofsted reports.
You can add daily updates such as what’s on the lunch menu so that parents can stay informed about their child’s nutrition. Many of the nurseries that opt to have their own personal app also find other ways to engage with parents that they wouldn’t have considered before, such as sending home rhymes for children to practice at home.
“the app has its own management system which is simple and intuitive to use. It will certainly cut down the cost and time you spend communicating to parents and will enable you to send out important messages in just a few seconds.”
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Why Choose Parentapps?
At Parentapps, we work closely with schools and nurseries to help develop apps to improve their communication with parents. We work with hundreds of schools and nurseries across the UK and abroad, providing a cost-effective and simple use communication platform.
Our aim is to deliver highly affordable solutions that make it easy for you to stay in contact. Our apps not only provide an excellent communication tool for current parents but also can be a huge selling point for prospective parents who want an easy way to communicate with their child’s nursery.
If you want a better, more efficient way to communicate and engage with parents, contact the friendly team at Parentapps today to find out more.